Les professionnel·le·s

Makoto Shozu - Artiste

Kento Tomiyoshi - Artiste

Particle Poetry

Mapping immersif, réalisé en intérieur ou en extérieur - Linéaire

Music, concept, art direction , design and animation

Music and Sound design : Makoto Shozu
Simulation design and Motion graphics  : Akira Kondo
Art direction and Motion graphics : Kento Tomiyoshi
Motion graphics : Nanami Tsuzuki

Lighthouse of Digital Art, Berlin, Germany

There is the tiniest thing in the universe called a fundamental particle.  Some of them assemble together and form a world and some flew from the fathomless part of the universe and travel through our bodies.  Even though we have not known much about how these invisible particles precisely work and what they bring to us, some think they have some effective power on things and even on human mind.

Thinking of their miraculous existence, we made this artwork in mind that if these particles can exert their power on our mind and body, then they must have some effective power on architecture since they are material as well. The particles shot from space pierce through us and the effect spreads throughout the world.  And the seemingly far-away space must be linked with the world spreading in front of our eyes.  

Particle Poetry – Lighthouse of Digital Art from FLIGHTGRAF on Vimeo.